Tuesday, December 24, 2019
An Project On Investigative Journalism - 1025 Words
Methodology My proposal focuses on a particular set of cultural practices, organizations, productions, and identities, such as those mobilized by the performance of investigative journalism in Chile in a post-authoritarian moment. I am particularly acknowledging culture’s conception as a process and a set of practices and not a collection of things (Hall, cited by Rose, 2016: 2), constituted by â€Å"interworked systems of construable signs†by which culture is actually a context within which â€Å"social events, behaviors, institutions, or processes†can be intelligible, â€Å"thickly described†, and not an outcome of some measurable causes (Geertz, 2008: 36). In this vein, this proposal recognizes Martà n Barbero’s perspective in which popular and†¦show more content†¦That is, this project focuses on the culture specific, from the view of its players, because â€Å"people describe their world not as it is but as they make sense of it†(Babbi e, 2013). Admitting that this inductive bottom-up strategy reduces its comparative potential (Hanitzsch, 2007) and that cultural analysis is intrinsically incomplete (Geertz, 2008), it rather gains from developing conceptualizations in a specific political, economic, and cultural context. The proposal’s aim is making sense of what historically has happened in the field of Chilean investigative journalism and better understand the features of this particular experience. Doing so, it contributes to expand a research field heavily based upon Western literature, theories, and cultural frameworks (mainly US and Anglo-Saxon) that comparative perspectives are not fully addressing particular historical experiences, geographical dimensions, or cultural features (Hanitzsch, 2007; Waisbord Mellado, 2014). By understanding culture as a set of entangled meanings, this proposal advocates for what Geertz calls an interpretive effort in search of meanings rather than an experimental science looking for laws (Geertz, 2008). I borrow the concept of thick description applied to ethnography (Geertz, 2008) and adapt it to this methodological proposal asShow MoreRelatedInvestigative Journalism Specialization Essay554 Words  | 3 PagesI was working for six months on my thesis research, a journalistic investigation entitled â€Å"The Other Side of Ecomafia †. It was my first experience as an investigative reporter, but I immediately realized that it would not be the last. Indeed, the problems my land was going through in those years awakened a passion for investigative journalism in me. The thesis has been an exciting challenge. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
A Biographical Review of the Glass Menagerie Free Essays
A Biographical Analysis of The Glass Menagerie and Tennessee Williams It’s apparent in the play and the life of Tennessee Williams that he was, in fact, writing about himself and his family when he wrote The Glass Menagerie. The Glass Menagerie was the first success of Tennessee Williams career. He says in the beginning of the play, †I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion†(Williams 47). We will write a custom essay sample on A Biographical Review of the Glass Menagerie or any similar topic only for you Order Now The characters Tom, Laura, and Amanda are very much like Williams, his sister Rose, and his mother Edwina. We are able to see this when we look into Tennessee Williams’ life. Tom, the narrator, can be viewed as himself, Thomas Lanier Williams. There are many similarities between his life and his character Tom’s life. These similarities can be found in his actions, the actions in the life of his family. First we look at Tennessee Williams life, and how it is very identical to the life of the character Tom. â€Å"He is the narrator, an undisguised invention of the play. He takes whatever license with dramatic convention as is convenient to his purposes. I am the narrator of the play, and also a character in it. The other characters are my mother, Amanda, my sister, Laura. †(Williams 47). Tom is the narrator, and the narrator is the one who tells the story, we can justify that Tom resembles Tennessee Williams. This means we can also relate Amanda to Williams mother Edwina Williams and Laura as his sister, Rose Williams. Tennessee Williams dropped out of high school when his father asked him to leave school to work in a warehouse. In the play, Tom also dropped out of school to work in a shoe factory. Tom says,†Listen! You think I’m crazy about the warehouse! You think I’m in love with the Continental Shoemakers? You think I want to spend fifty-five years down there in that Celotex interior! With fluorescent tubes! Look! I’d rather somebody picked up a crowbar and battered out my brains than go back mornings! †(Williams 56). Both Williams and Tom blamed their families for their horrible jobs and the lives they lived. Williams loved poetry and was his way of escaping the thought of his terrible job and depressing life. Tom is also a poet in our play. Jim knew of my secret practice of retiring to a cabinet of the washroom to work on poems when business was slack in the warehouse. He called me Shakespeare. †(Williams 68). Both Tom and Williams wanted to get out of their real lives by playwright and poetry. Like Tom, Tennessee Williams left home to live in New Orleans when he was 28. Moreover, Tom is a little bit younger than this in the play. Tom leaves home in the end because it is holding him back from what he wants to do. â€Å"His nature is not remorseless, but to escape from a trap he has to act without pity. †(Williams 46). The father in The Glass Menagerie worked for a phone company who fell in love with distance. †He gave up the job with the telephone company and skipped the light fantastic of this town. †(Williams 47). Tennessee Williams’ father was a traveling salesman. Just like in The Glass Menagerie, Williams’ father was also not home as often as his family would’ve liked. While he was growing up, Tennessee Williams and his family moved into an apartment in St. Louis. The front door of their house was opening up to look at an alley. In the play, Tom describes to the audience where his family lives. He says, â€Å"The apartment faces an alley and is entered by a fire-escape, a structure whose name is a bit of accidental truth, for all of these huge buildings are always burning with the slow and implacable fires of human desperation. â€Å"(Williams 46). Also, Tennessee Williams eventually spent some time at Washington University in St. Louis but ended up going to the University of Iowa instead. In The Glass Menagerie, Tom’s mother Amanda says to him, â€Å"a night-school course in accounting at Washington-U! Just think what a wonderful thing that would be for you son. †(Williams 62). We can see how Tennessee Williams didn’t want to remain in St. Louis University to attend school. Tennessee Williams and his sister were very close. him around like a ghost through his life and his art because she was not all there with him. However, he loved her very much, like Tom in The Glass Menagerie loves his sister Amanda. Tom says to his mother, â€Å"Laura seems all those things to you and me because she’s ours and we love her. We don t even notice she’s crippled anymore. †(Williams 66). It is also true that the Character Laura in The Glass Menagerie is very much like Williams’ sister Rose. She was diagnosed clinically insane in 1938 after he graduated from the University of Iowa. It’s obvious that Laura seems very strange sometimes. Tom say’s â€Å"Laura is very different from other girls. Through the eyes of strangers, she’s terribly shy, and lives in a world of her own and those things maker her seem a little peculiar to people outside the house. †(Williams 66). Rose spent almost all of her life in sanitariums. Edwina tried to find Rose a mate by sending her to Business College, but failed her first assignment and never continued. Amanda says to Laura, â€Å"No dear, you go in the front room and study your typewriter chart. Or practice your shorthand a little. Stay fresh and pretty! It’s almost time for our gentlemen callers to start arriving. (Williams 50). Amanda had also sent Laura to business school. In the play, Laura cracks under pressure and the scrutiny of her typewriting teacher and does not get a job to support her self. In Amanda and in Rose Williams’ life there was a gentleman caller in particular for Rose/Laura, who opened them up but never came back. â€Å"We are going to have one. What? A gentleman caller! Do you realize that he’s the first young man we’ve introduced to your sister? It’s terrible, dreadful, disgraceful that poor little sister has never received a single gentleman caller! †(Williams 64). Both in our play and also for the real Rose Williams, hopes were restrained on this young man whose characters referred to as Jim in The Glass Menagerie. Jim mistakes Laura’s absence of school for her sickness as Blue Roses and ends up referring to her as this through high school. This can also provide evidence that Laura is Rose Williams. In the start of The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams says this about Laura. A childhood illness has left her crippled exquisitely fragile. †(Williams 46). Rose was more mentally inept instead of having bad leg like Laura. However, they are both defected fragile young women who were abandoned by their fathers, gentlemen callers, and brothers in the end. Williams and his mother didn’t get along much an d says this of her, â€Å"A little woman of great but confused vitality clinging frantically to another time and place certainly she has endurance and a kind of heroism, and though her foolishness makes her unwittingly cruel at times, there is great tenderness in her slight person. (Williams 46). This identifies description of what Edwina Williams was like. She obviously had many bad experiences with Tennessee Williams’ father that made her sad and difficult for Williams. Furthermore even though they didn’t get along, Williams loved his mother very much. His mother raised Williams almost entirely herself. She was domineering of him and very sheltering. Proof can be found during the exchange at the dinner table Amanda says to Tom â€Å"So chew your food and give your salivary glands a chance to function! You re not excused from the table. You smoke too much. †(Williams 48). There are many instances where it is shown that, like in real life, the mother and son have a difficult time with each other. Tom is very impatient of his mother but later says, â€Å"now that we cannot hear the mothers speech, her silliness is gone and she has dignity and tragic beauty. †(Williams 88). This evidence proves that, in the end, Williams loved his mother very much In the end of the play Tom says †Oh Laura, Laura, I tried to leave you behind me, but I am more faithful than I intended to be! I reach for a cigarette, I cross the street, I run into the movies or a bar, I buy a drink, and I speak to the nearest stranger anything that can blow your candles out! For nowadays the world is lit by lightning! Blow out your candles, Laura and so good-bye. â€Å"(Williams 88). Tennessee Williams’ literary work was entirely in recognition and memoir to his sister, his family, and his life. Works Cited Rusinko, Susan. â€Å"Biography Of Tennessee Williams. †Critical Insights: Tennessee Williams. 8-13. n. p. : Salem Press, 2010. Literary Reference Center. Web. 6 Nov. 2012. Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. New York: New Directions, 1999. Print. How to cite A Biographical Review of the Glass Menagerie, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Supply Chain Management at Nike Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Supply Chain Management at Nike. Answer: Introduction Supply chains can be relatively challenging to get manage, varying in the complexity, relying on the size and type of business and various products manufactured. Effective supply chain management is quite essential for organizations, as the network of the interlinked companies should be smoothly liaised (Christopher, 2004). The aim is to offer the products and services to the customers in the professional, and cost-effective manner. The critical element of the supply chain management includes planning, developing, product manufacturing as well as delivering the products and services (Christopher, 2004). This report will discuss Nike, which is the multinational company involved in the production of footwear and apparel. Key flows in supply chain Effectiveness of products flow Nike product flow includes the Nike design of their products. Later design provides factory, which is involved in the production of the press and sews, cut, package and sole. Nike also makes use of Hyper-fuse technology that consists of the heat and pressure involved while manufacturing footwear, and concern towards a reduction in cost and reduction of lead-time (Christopher, 2004). The factory also follows the Nike standard, along with local supply as well as China Importing supply. Product flow also involves manufacturing countries and importing countries, along with distribution centre. Next is a port, which includes unloading of material from the ship, checking of goods and loading back in the truck (Christopher, 2004). Next is a warehouse, which consists of the process of unloading of goods, checking of goods, inbound that involve scanning and labelling of goods, put away the products, and finally outbound. From the warehouse, goods are sent to whole sellers and at retail stores (Christopher, 2004). Information flow Nike information flow includes the self-research, new design of the products, factory settings that produce new design items. Suppliers are also connected with factory through material sustainability index system. Factory and port of the company are connected with distribution centre (Peter, 2010). The distribution centre is connected with ACFC that look after demand and trends. Port is connected with Geodis Wilson ISC Client 2000 for informing about the product arrival. Geodis Wilson is combined with stores for truck brooking and calculating the delivery timeline (Liu Jiang, 2011). Geodis Wilson ensures unloading of discrepancy report, store request, outbound, delivery timeline. Stores connect with ACFC for store request, and for selling reports. Customers also require to access ACFC, and they provide feedback to stores, where else stores offer them public announcements (Liu Jiang, 2011). Cash flow The aim of the foreign currency hedging activities of the company is mainly to protect an organization from the risk, which gradual cash flows outcomes through the transaction of the overseas currencies, covering the cost of the product, revenues, administrative and selling expenses, along with investment made in American dollar-denominated for the securities of sale debt as well as payment linked with the interconnected company transactions, that might get adversely impacted through exchange rate change (Liu Jiang, 2011). Its the Nike policy to make use of the derivatives for minimizing the overseas exchange risks, where strategies of internal netting cannot be employed in an efficient way (Liu Jiang, 2011). The organization assesses the options effectiveness based over the complete cash flows methods as well as total record changes in the fair value of the option with the various other comprehensive assets income towards the degree of its effectiveness (Liu Jiang, 2011). Return flow Nike has attained the average invested assets that comes to around 22.3%, which is referred as the average return on investment of the company (Liu Jiang, 2011). Recommendations for improving supply chain Advancement in the information technology, growing intensified competition in the present international markets, the introduction of the new items for the short life cycles, as well as increasing the customer expectations has profoundly contributed towards the new approach development of the supply chain management (Najdawi, Chung Salaheldin, 2008). Previously, raw materials were used to get procured, and the products were manufactured at single or more than one factories, then those products were shipped to warehouses to have an immediate shortage, and finally, it was shipped to customers or retailers (Najdawi, Chung Salaheldin, 2008). Therefore, it is recommended to minimize the cost and enhanced the service levels, and for that effective supply chain strategies should be considered at different supply chain levels of the company. It is recommended that Nike should follow system dynamics that mainly link with the problem solving within the living systems that bring people, businesses,, and machine together (Najdawi, Chung Salaheldin, 2008). It also connect the control and system theory to generate the insight in the behaviour of system dynamics and especially the casual relationships about international system performance and internal control (Najdawi, Chung Salaheldin, 2008). The Make process The critical purpose of the product control and plans, along with the various other manufacturing controls is to optimize the companys profit. Similar to the inventory control and management, this can be attained through making customers satisfied through promptly offering the products (Schrunder, Galletly Bicheno, 1994). The critical objectives related with the production planning and control is to establish the schedules and routes of the work that offer guarantee about the optimum use of materials, machines, and workers and to provide them with ways for making sure about the plant operations as per the plans. Conducting outsourcing for the different countries such as Japan, China, Indonesia, and Thailand is the Nikes planning as well as control strategy plan (Schrunder, Galletly Bicheno, 1994). Therefore, a right production planning and control supports the company in controlling the cost of production and the same also reduces the profits. The different tasks included in the scheduling, sequencing as well as loading of the supply chain management system of the Nike minimizes the engineering time of production cycle, and the same enhances the market share (Schrunder, Galletly Bicheno, 1994). The system of supply chain management, along with the right forecasting facilities, support the firm in shifting the focus towards the make to stock policy. It is analysed that inventories are appropriately managed with the help of proper control and planning all around the system that enables to have fast turnover entirely around the production chain, the carrying cost of inventory along with complete price of product is importantly reduced, and the same increases the entire profit (Schrunder, Galletly Bicheno, 1994). The scheduling approach of Nike is concerned with the corporate operations as well as supply chain coordination with both the retail and distribution operations. In the decision strategies are related to operations management, the purpose is to increase the use of resources (Verdaasdonk, 1999). Managers at Nike satisfy the aim through automation. The schedules of corporate office are also referred as standardized, where else schedules of supply chains are adjusted as per the market condition. Nike also applies the changes within the supply chain, relying on the demand of the market for the equipment, athletic footwear and apparel (Verdaasdonk Wouters, 2001). Nike also makes use of information systems, which supports in creating plans for production resources like material resource planning efficiently. The software makes use of managing the orders, supply and production, and the same leads towards the minimization of inventory all-around the supply chain and enhances the efficiency of production (Verdaasdonk Wouters, 2001). It is crucial in these cases to refer the information related to events happening within the supply chain. Like knowledge enables the manufacturers and suppliers as well as sellers to coordinate their actions to fulfil the foreseeable demand and that too at the low expected rate (Verdaasdonk Wouters, 2001). Managing the interconnected business network includes the packaging supply of both products and services through the raw material to the consumers as per the end user requirement. The management and planning of every activity cover up sourcing, production, and purchasing and logistics management (Hoyt, 2000). It also covers up collaboration and coordination with the partners with the help of channel that includes dealers, suppliers, and customers. The supply chain involves two crucial functions such as physical functions is visible as well as evident, in this materials are converted in the details and the same is later on transformed into the finished items (Lee Amaral, 2002). The primary purpose of the production control and plans, along with manufacturing controls is to optimize the companys profit. Similar to the inventory control and management, it can be attained through keeping the customers more satisfied through delivering the item.it is recommended that production planning and control should be established through schedules and routes of the work that provides grantee for optimum material use, workers and offer them with the assurance of operations of plant as per the plan (Reddy Reddy, 2001). Making process at Nike The supply chain forecasting Forecasting demand, as well as coordinating activities, are required for fulfilling the requirement of jobs. Organizations working within the international operations usually make use of sophisticated systems and software for forecasting demand, but it is analysed that small businesses can easily forecast the requirement of the supply chain by applying different techniques. The method involved in moving the averages as well as exponential smoothing often seek to move out the demand for permitting the seasonality in the outcome (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky Simchi-Levi, 2003). Through the support of moving averages, one can quickly try to drop the previous sales figure as well as add the new figure, by making out the standard. For instance, for measuring the sales in four weeks, it is essential to add the weeks, then drop the sales and then finally divide the same by four. It is analysed that exponential smoothing is quite same as average, except the old information attaining the progressive less weight and attain new information for more weight (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky Simchi-Levi, 2003). In the definitive trend, it is noted that the exponential smoothing and moving averages forecast can go behind the ongoing trend. A decision tree involved in the forecast methods is formed to depict the forecast method selection, and it profoundly assumed to propose to choose the best method of forecasting, as per the various information pattern. Decision tree forecast method supports in pre-selecting the alternative methods to forecast the future demand (Al-Mashari Zairi, 2000). At last, for choosing the right and adequate optional proposed through the decision tree, the retrospective analysis of information through the pre-selected method should be undertaken. It importantly determines the error measures for everyone, and the best one from it that fit with the information holds the low forecast error. It is essential that Nike should make use of RMSE, MSE as well as MAPE for undertaking the error analysis (Al-Mashari Zairi, 2000). Along with this, if the resources, as well as time, is available, it is highly recommended to same use of combined forecast holding various models as per the information pattern, and then analysing the right method for attaining the low error (Forrester, 1961). In this way, companies can go with the method evaluation by measuring the respective error, and then monitor the forecast by applying tracking signal (Forrester, 1958). It is analysed that the revenue of Nike has turned out to around $49.4 million that is low as compared to 2001 forecast. It is also noted that overestimating the demand of shoes as well as underestimating the demand of shoes has pushed Nike towards the reducing customer's satisfaction, market share as well as damage to the reputation of the company in the market (Soni, 2014). As per the perspective of the supply chain, it is recommended that the software should be applied that can deliver the right forecasting, a right picture of the organization complete supply chain system and efficient inventory management tools for minimizing the surplus inventory, enhancing the satisfaction of customers and reducing overproduction cost (Ferguson, 2017). Conclusion Supply chain is the integral part of the company, therefore, its important to ensure about its process and try to effectively undertake every step of it. References Al-Mashari, M, Zairi, M. (2000). Supply-Chain Re-engineering Using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: An Analsys of a SAP R/3 Implementation Case. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics, 30(3-4), 296-313. Christopher, K. (2004). Nike Rebounds: How (and Why) Nike Recovered from Its Supply Chain Disaster.CIO Magazine Ferguson, E. (2017). Nike Inc. Operations Management: 10 Decisions, Productivity. 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The Worlds Top Sports Brands. Forbes. Reddy, R, Reddy, S. (2001). Supply Chains to virtual Integration. McGraw-Hill. Schrunder, C. P., Galletly, J. E., Bicheno, J. R. (1994). A fuzzy, knowledge?based decision support tool for production operations management. Expert Systems, 11(1), 3-11. Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminsky, P., Simchi-Levi, E. (2003). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, second edition. McGraw-Hill. Soni, P. (2014). An Overview of NIKEs Supply Chain and Manufacturing Strategies. Retrieved on 17th November 2017, from https://marketrealist.com/2014/12/overview-nikes-supply-chain-manufacturing-strategies/ Verdaasdonk, P. (1999). Defining an information structure to analyse resource spending changes of operations management decisions. Production Planning Control, 10(2), 162-174. Verdaasdonk, P., Wouters, M. (2001). A generic accounting model to support operations management decisions. Production Planning Control, 12(6), 605-620.
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